Thursday, February 26, 2015

Inspiration from The Word


1 Samuel Chapters 1 and 2

"She (Hannah), greatly distressed, prayed to the Lord and wept bitterly." 1 Samuel 1:10 (NASB)

This passage of scripture seems all too familiar to me and I'm sure it would apply to most women in our world today. I think over my life and ponder the thought how many, many times I have been in Hannah's same position of despair. Although our circumstances are different, distress does not discriminate nor does trouble pick and choose. I have yet to meet anyone who has not faced at some time in their life trouble or problems. 

When the trouble has stacked up one on top of the other and you're standing facing this seemingly insurmountable wall--this is when you break. And just like Hannah the tears burst forth freely with no way of stopping them. 

The bible goes on to tell us that Hannah was not even speaking words before the Lord (v. 13). She was so distressed that she could not voice out her prayer. I wonder has anyone been there? I certainly have.  

No one enjoys being distressed or shedding tears of sorrow, BUT there is some good, good news. See, the story does not end with Hannah weeping bitterly. In fact, the story ends with a MIRACLE!! Hannah's tears are heard by the Lord!! 

Although tears don't have a voice in this earth, I believe they are a language our Heavenly Father completely understands. 

So Heads Up Girls! God Hears Your Tears!

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