Friday, April 10, 2015

Living with Lupus

5 Helpful Online Resources for Researching Lupus 

I have included some alternative as well as traditional resources because I like to research both sides. Sometimes it's hard to determine who is right or wrong (especially when traditional vs. alternative views can differ dramatically on some Lupus topics such as treatments) but I think it's important for me to at least know what each side is saying, and then decide for myself what is best for me. 

However, if you are experiencing a major Lupus flare and you know it, my advice would be to follow the care of your rheumatologist until you can at least get the disease under control. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015


I am doing great so far. I have had no headaches from coming off the caffeine and really have not had any major cravings for my beloved Pepsi!

I am still in the tale end of the third week of my no soda challenge but I think it's safe to say--I made it!!

Bye, bye soda!! (Except for once a week as my treat:))

If you are looking to kick the soda habit, here's the plan I used that worked great for me.....

14 Day No Soda Challenge

(Week 3 Optional)

Week of March 23










Brkfst – normal

Lunch – normal

Dinner – Replace soda w/ caffeine free version
Brkfst – normal

Lunch – normal

Dinner – Replace soda w/ caffeine free version
Brkfst – normal

Lunch – Replace soda w/ caffeine free

Dinner – Replace soda w/ caffeine free
Brkfst – normal

Lunch – Replace soda w/ caffeine free

Dinner-Replace soda w/ caffeine free
Replace soda w/ caffeine free for all meals
Replace soda w/ caffeine free for all meals
Congrats! You are caffeine free! Now keep going!


Brkfst – Caffeine free soda

Lunch – Caffeine free soda

Dinner  - Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice
Brkfst – Caffeine free soda

Lunch – Caffeine free soda

Dinner  - Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice
Brkfst – Caffeine free soda

Lunch – Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice

Dinner – Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice
Brkfst – Caffeine free soda

Lunch – Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice

Dinner – Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice
Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice for all meals
Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice for all meals
Great job! You are now officially done with soda! Now keep going if you wish to add more water to your diet!


Brkfst – Juice

Lunch – Juice

Dinner – Replace juice w/ water
Brkfst – Juice

Lunch – Juice

Dinner – Replace juice w/ water
Brkfst – Juice

Lunch – Replace juice w/ water

Dinner – Replace juice w/ water
Brkfst – Juice

Lunch – Replace juice w/ water

Dinner – Replace juice w/ water
Replace juice w/ water for all meals
Replace juice w/ water for all meals
Awesome! You are now drinking plenty of water and no sugar! You should feel much better!