Thursday, April 9, 2015


I am doing great so far. I have had no headaches from coming off the caffeine and really have not had any major cravings for my beloved Pepsi!

I am still in the tale end of the third week of my no soda challenge but I think it's safe to say--I made it!!

Bye, bye soda!! (Except for once a week as my treat:))

If you are looking to kick the soda habit, here's the plan I used that worked great for me.....

14 Day No Soda Challenge

(Week 3 Optional)

Week of March 23










Brkfst – normal

Lunch – normal

Dinner – Replace soda w/ caffeine free version
Brkfst – normal

Lunch – normal

Dinner – Replace soda w/ caffeine free version
Brkfst – normal

Lunch – Replace soda w/ caffeine free

Dinner – Replace soda w/ caffeine free
Brkfst – normal

Lunch – Replace soda w/ caffeine free

Dinner-Replace soda w/ caffeine free
Replace soda w/ caffeine free for all meals
Replace soda w/ caffeine free for all meals
Congrats! You are caffeine free! Now keep going!


Brkfst – Caffeine free soda

Lunch – Caffeine free soda

Dinner  - Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice
Brkfst – Caffeine free soda

Lunch – Caffeine free soda

Dinner  - Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice
Brkfst – Caffeine free soda

Lunch – Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice

Dinner – Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice
Brkfst – Caffeine free soda

Lunch – Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice

Dinner – Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice
Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice for all meals
Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice for all meals
Great job! You are now officially done with soda! Now keep going if you wish to add more water to your diet!


Brkfst – Juice

Lunch – Juice

Dinner – Replace juice w/ water
Brkfst – Juice

Lunch – Juice

Dinner – Replace juice w/ water
Brkfst – Juice

Lunch – Replace juice w/ water

Dinner – Replace juice w/ water
Brkfst – Juice

Lunch – Replace juice w/ water

Dinner – Replace juice w/ water
Replace juice w/ water for all meals
Replace juice w/ water for all meals
Awesome! You are now drinking plenty of water and no sugar! You should feel much better!

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