Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Inspiration from The Word

Recently I was throwing a "holy" pity party. I mean it was me and God and a whole lot of my complaints! Somehow I had ended up in this pit of discouragement and I wanted an answer and I wanted it NOW!! 

Well, I didn't get my answer at the end of my tantrum. (Go Figure!) But someway, somehow I made it through to the next day, and the next day, and the next. (God's Grace)

With the Easter holiday coming this week I decided to do some reading in my Bible about the crucifixion. I was thinking about all the pain and darkness our Lord Jesus willingly endured for all of us. 

I wonder when He was being tortured beyond imagination and taking on all the SIN of this world, did he throw a temper tantrum and demand the Heavenly Father do something NOW?? If He did, then Satan and darkness would have won. 

As much as it hurt, and as dark and as scary as it might have been for our precious Savior to endure the cross, He did just that -- endured. In those times when Jesus may have felt like He could not continue or like giving up on all humanity, I like to think that the Heavenly Father was whispering.....


It will be worth it all!!

And just like that there is my answer!!


Pray more, read more, seek more, praise more, love more!! 

It may not be the answer you want....
But it is absolutely the answer you need. 

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