Friday, March 20, 2015


Confession Time....I LOVE SODA!!

Reality Time....SODA IS BAD FOR YOU!!

And for me, soda is really, really bad, because I have systemic lupus nephritis--meaning my kidneys are not the best anymore. 

So in order to try and take more control of this disease without all the toxic medications, I have decided it is high time to put an end to this soda addiction once and for all. 

I am giving myself 14 days to kick the habit! Here's my plan....

Supplies Needed.....

1. My favorite soda (Pepsi)
2. Caffeine free version of my favorite soda in the can (for some reason caffeine free is better in the can)
3. Juice (to replace the craving for soda)

14 Day No Soda Challenge

(Week 3 Optional)

Week of March 23










Brkfst – normal

Lunch – normal

Dinner – Replace soda w/ caffeine free version
Brkfst – normal

Lunch – normal

Dinner – Replace soda w/ caffeine free version
Brkfst – normal

Lunch – Replace soda w/ caffeine free

Dinner – Replace soda w/ caffeine free
Brkfst – normal

Lunch – Replace soda w/ caffeine free

Dinner-Replace soda w/ caffeine free
Replace soda w/ caffeine free for all meals
Replace soda w/ caffeine free for all meals
Congrats! You are caffeine free! Now keep going!


Brkfst – Caffeine free soda

Lunch – Caffeine free soda

Dinner  - Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice
Brkfst – Caffeine free soda

Lunch – Caffeine free soda

Dinner  - Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice
Brkfst – Caffeine free soda

Lunch – Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice

Dinner – Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice
Brkfst – Caffeine free soda

Lunch – Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice

Dinner – Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice
Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice for all meals
Replace caffeine free soda w/ juice for all meals
Great job! You are now officially done with soda! Now keep going if you wish to add more water to your diet!


Brkfst – Juice

Lunch – Juice

Dinner – Replace juice w/ water
Brkfst – Juice

Lunch – Juice

Dinner – Replace juice w/ water
Brkfst – Juice

Lunch – Replace juice w/ water

Dinner – Replace juice w/ water
Brkfst – Juice

Lunch – Replace juice w/ water

Dinner – Replace juice w/ water
Replace juice w/ water for all meals
Replace juice w/ water for all meals
Awesome! You are now drinking plenty of water and no sugar! You should feel much better!

*****After completion, I plan on allowing myself one soda per week as a treat*****

When I say "normal" on my chart I mean the normal soda I would have for that meal. 

I plan on starting this challenge Monday, March 23. I will keep you updated on how it goes (I'm sure it won't be as easy as I planned) and if I feel a difference in my body once it's over. Until then....:)

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